Friday, November 5, 2010

The Beginning of A Revolution

(Logo By Fabian Bustillos)
If you been following me on Twitter, I been tweeting that I have a new project on it's way. After months of ideas and making sure that it's possible to happen, I finally thought of "Power Seekers." Power Seekers was made by me and my good friend, Mogos Tedla. We wanted to create a blog together, and post new stuff legit stuff on Fashion, Music, Art, Culture, and our Lifestyle. We are both ambitious and want to become known and make it big in the future. Not known on what we did, but known that we were people's inspiration and and revolutionized pop culture. Power Seekers will also be a clothing line by Fall 2010. I already sketched out so many amazing designs for men and women. Our priority in the clothing line is to give the young society determination and continue their grind, but in a POWER MODE style. This official blog will start on January 1, 2011. Me and Mogos are still getting some things so that this whole process will be smooth. So until then, please follow this blog. We'll see you in New Year's. (;


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